Here are the packaging and product design projects that have been amazing learn-by-doing opportunities!
Guide Goodies
48-hour Repack Competition
February 2024
Guide Goodies aims to create a fun pet treat experience with packaging that is easy to identify, open, hold, and use, regardless of the user's physical or cognitive abilities. The target audience includes consumers who have a service dog, as they would value a range of accessibility features.
Pubble Wrap Commericialization
ITP 428: Commercialization of New Technology
April - June 2023
This project aims to assess the feasibility of commercializing Little Feet Packaging, with a particular focus on their innovative product, Pubble Wrap. Pubble Wrap is a fully compostable packaging material that offers excellent protection, cushioning, folding, and wrapping capabilities.
"Welcome to Cal Poly!"
Promotional Kit and Counter-shelf design
ITP 408: Fiber-based Packaging
June 2022
My team centered on the idea of Cal Poly's iconic mascot, Musty the Mustang, welcoming new students to their new home on campus. We implemented this theme into the opening experience, utilizing graphics and corrugated structure to feature and protect the products inside.